How to purchase images on this site
All images on this website are copyrighted. Any copying, usage and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.
The text below is just a sample, the administrator can edit or remove as necessary.
> We have endeavored to create an easy to search database for our growing collection of images. As you can see there are numerous categories to browse. You can also enter keywords in the search box to narrow your choices. We have embedded keywords into all the image collections to respond to more selected searches. The scope of your search results will be determined by your selection of keywords.
> Quick Search - By default the system uses "Match at least one keyword" for the quick search function. If you input "beautiful sunset" (without the quotes) into the quick search field, then the search function will return results for any media that contain either "beautiful" OR "sunset" in its properties.
The system supports the "AND" and NOT" operands in the quick search function by the use of the plus sign (+) and minus sign (-) respectively in front of the keywords.
If you input "beautiful +sunset" (without the quotes) into the search field, the system will only return results for any media that contain both keywords "beautiful" AND "sunset" in its properties.
If you input "beautiful "sunset" (without the quotes) into the search field, the system will return results for any media that contain the keyword "beautiful", but this media can't contain the keyword "sunset" in its properties.
Note: There must not any spaces between the second keyword and the input operands (+), (-) keywords.
> Advanced Search The advanced search function doesn"t use the same algorithms as above. It offers options allowing you to choose which operand you want to use for your searches.
There are three options available.
Match at least one keyword The system will return results for any media that contain either one of the input keywords in its properties.
Match all keywords The system will only return results for any media that contain all input keywords in its properties.
Match exact phrase The system will only return results for any media that contains the exact input keyword phrase in its properties.
Payment Method (Ent. Version)
> You will need to tell our shopping cart which payment method you would like to use to pay for your purchases. By default the payment method is PPP (pay per purchase). Using this payment method you will need to pay during the checkout process. If other payment methods are available (e.g. Subscription or Package) you can select another payment method in the Payment Method drop down menu. You need to purchase these options before you are able use them. They can be purchased through the Products page.
Products (Ent. Version)
> We offer 3 types of products that you can choose from.
Duration Subscription Subscribing to this subscription type will allow you to purchase any media that are available for this subscription prior to its expiration date. The expiration date is calculated based on the date that you subscribe.
Credit Subscription Subscribing to this subscription type will allow you to purchase any media that are available for this subscription if its credit cost is less than or equal to your remaining credits. The subscription credits are deducted from you account each time you use it for your purchase.
Package Subscription Subscribing to this subscription type will allow you to purchase any media that are available for this subscription. You can only use this subscription for a one time purchase. We only allow you to checkout your order when the subscribed package contents and your current shopping cart contents are an exact match.
> Select the subscription type as desired and click on the Continue button to complete the purchase. Once the order is completed the subscription will display in the Payment Method section, which will allow you to select it as a payment method for your purchases.
The Lightbox
> The Lightbox is YOUR collection of images. You may add up to 30 images to your lightbox. If you wish to purchase an image that is in your lightbox, click on the thumbnail to view the enlarged image. Select the items that you want to purchase and click on the "add to cart" button.
Shopping Cart
> The shopping cart displays your order details, if you wish to delete an image from your order before proceeding to checkout, simply hit the remove link on the right side.
Checking Out
> You will need to login to checkout your order. If you are new to the site please complete the registration form to create a username and password. This information is stored, so that you can return to the site to make future purchases and so that we can review your orders.
> We utilize PayPal for purchases made on this site.
> If you do not want to use our online ordering system, we are available to take phone orders from 9AM to 5PM Eastern Standard time every day. Our off-line credit card system takes VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS. You can of course, always mail a check as well but this adds considerable time to the processing of your order. To order by phone please call toll free: (866) 555-5555.
My Account
> This page shows your order history and also allows you to download any instant download orders.
Image File Download Terms
> Some images are available as digital files which you can download. All digital files, whether for web use or print use are "Rights Managed". Our terms are as follows:
Web Usage
> These files can be used on one domain only (i.e. www.yourdomainname.com) They can be used on as many web pages within that domain as you desire. > They can be altered if necessary, but they can not be included in any composite that is resold. > The image files CANNOT be resold.
Print Usage
> These files are a higher quality for use in printed publications. They have a resolution of 300dpi and are saved as high quality JPG files. Should you require higher resolution or different file types, please contact us directly by phone or email with your specifications. > You are granted a licence for a ONE TIME USE - This means that you can use the image for one type of publication. If you use the image in a brochure, you do not have the right to then create a new product such as a magazine ad which uses the same image. > Prices on downloaded files are for that resolution image. Higher resolution files are offered on a different pricing structure based on type of usage. ie; a small brochure ad for a nonprofit organization will carry a lower price than a usage involving, for example, a nationally published magazine.
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